Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assessing ecosystem health Essay

The simple summary of the article is shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Metaphors drawn from human health can be applied in environmental assessment at ecosystem levels; hence the concept of ecosystem medicine may also be appropriate in trying to understand the environment.   By using metaphors one can understand a difficult concept into more known terms since a comparison as to what is common in medicine and in ecosystem. Human use science but they employ art also in appreciating and studying things. As a necessary consequence of using arts or even science   errors in treatment could also happen as there could also be cased of false alarms in diagnosing the environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But for a successful application of the medical concepts in ecosystem, there could be a need have a greater-defined taxonomy of ecosystems to afford a better correlations and analysis of the different variables involved in ecosystems. Taxonomy will allow more definitions of technical terms in ecosystems which could be used by scientists and scholars to make a thorough investigation and analysis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The health status of ecosystems in turn could also serve a good barometer to assess the present status or health of the environment. This must be so since the better the ecosystem , the better the environment. Question: 2.    Write a review of Section 1 (p-15: Introduction) and also indicate important points which the author has talked about to be discuss in the paper; any critique; anything missing?   Any important information we get from this section?   Any interesting thing we get from this section, and do we really find it in the following section? The simple introduction is shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that whatever the ecosystem now suffers is partly caused by human activity.   He is using a metaphor to convey his message.   That the environment’s health must also be determined like that of a human individual.   Like a human being who is subject to stress, the author illustrates that the ecosystem also suffers from effects of various stresses.   He cited as examples of stresses the following: harvesting, introduction of exotic species, generation of waste residuals, physical restructuring, and even extreme natural events which affect the environment. Question 3.   Write a review of Section 2 (p-16: Ecosystem: a nebulous concept?)   What do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Is ecosystem a nebulous concept?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that while others my think that term ‘ecosystems’ may be indefinite of meaning   because   of difficulty of delimiting boundaries on the basis of conventional observations.   Ecosystems are not isolated, but intimately connected, or nested within adjacent or larger systems as seen in the continuum from rivers to lakes; from estuaries to the sea; from the sea to the world’s ocean.   The author agrees that for management and assessment, ‘ecosystem’ constitutes a relevant macro-level unit for describing the environment (Rowe, 1961, 1989; Bird & Rapport, 1986).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The author is very clear in describing the ecosystems as a dynamic, complex, and open systems that are in constant change over ecological, evolutionary, and geological time (Rapport & Regier, 1992), and such they exhibit chameleon-like properties; that is, they might exist in a number of alternative forms, the particular composition being very much influenced by internal dynamics and by interactions with neighboring systems (Holling, 1985; Rapport & Regier, 1992). Question 4.   Write a review of Section 3 (p-16: Towards an Ecosystem Health Model) what do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? The quest for understanding leads to quest for having health ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that in the quest for a more comprehensive understanding of the process of ecosystem breakdown and recovery, he has come to think that humans are engaged in some form of ecosystem medicine (Rapport et al., 1979).   He said that introducing the medical metaphor suggests that, like physicians, ecosystem practitioners are in need of systematic procedures by which to recognize illness, devise protocols to ‘rule-in’ or ‘rule-out’ possible causes, and prescribe treatment. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When it comes to treatment, medicine suggests several options: following internal medicine, ecosystems may be treated by regulating the ‘blood chemistry’ of the system; following surgery, ecosystems may be treated by wholesale physical and biological restructuring.   The latter may involve both removal of undesirable elements and introduction (grafting) of desirable ecosystem components. I should hasten to add that we are concerned here with the application of scientific methodologies developed in medicine in order to assess the state of ecosystem health.   In so doing I neither subscribes to the view that ecosystems can be considered as organisms (for clearly there are not not not not substantive differences in both the mechanisms and degree of integration as well as in the dynamics of these two systems) nor do I suggest.   (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 5.   Write a review of Section 4 (p-17: The subjective nature of health assessments) what do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Subjectivity is employed in assessing the ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is equating the subjective judgment used in health assessment as to what is being done in assessing the ecosystem.   He said that clearly, in many cases, the diagnosis and treatment of sickness also uses gut feel or hunches in addition to the scientific way..   Inevitably, there enters a degree of subjectivity in evaluating the health status of an individual or an ecosystem. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author mentioned some ecosystem transformations that are made without recourse to societal values or limitations of scientific understanding and cited as example the demise of the forest downwind of a smelter.   Nevertheless, he admits that more frequently   social value-judgments and the limitations of science appear   to mix as a form of art.   The author gave as an example the conversion to plantations of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) of highly diversified indigenous forests in New Zealand, where there are opposing view between conservationists and foresters. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 6.   Write a review of Section 5 (p-18: Early Warning Signs of Pathological Ecosystems) what do we learn from this Section? What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic?   (This section should cover all sub sections of the main section, one by one) Early warning signs of pathological ecosystems have obstacles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author mentioned three obstacles in providing early warning of ecosystem pathology and they are: Firstly, basic processes such as nutrient cycling and primary productivity, is highly cyclical and irregular, varying from year to year, seasonally and diurnally.   Such variability and seemingly random behavior raises havoc with detection of the onset of much pathology that beset aquatic ecosystems. Secondly, early symptoms of ecosystem degradation may be missed or discovered only after pathology is well advanced. Thirdly, false alarms are easily sounded owing to a still far from adequate understanding of the long-term dynamic behavior of ecosystems. Ecosystems have common systems of degradation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.1 on â€Å"Health indicators at the ecosystem level,† the  author is discussing the identification of common symptoms of ecosystem degradation.   These common symptoms are termed the ‘ecosystem distress syndrome’ (Rapport et al., 1985) and characterize a large number of ecosystems under stresses of various types.   The author citing Rapport, 1991, said that with reference to aquatic ecosystems, the ecosystem distress syndrome comprises the following symptoms: (1) alteration in biotic community structure to favor smaller forms; (2) reduced species diversity; (3) increased dominance by ‘r’ selected species; (4) increased dominance by exotic species; (5) shortened food-chain length; (6) increased disease prevalence; and (7) reduced population stability. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Like human diseases, ecosystems have risk factors, too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.2   on â€Å"Ecosystem risk factors,† the author   Ã‚  supports the idea of identification of individuals at risk for certain types of diseases, as those found in coronary disease, which will shift man’s attention from treating illness to prevention.   The author argues that using the same principle of identifying risk in ecosystem, prevention of the ecosystem’s degradation could be prevented. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He believes that this approach works best where a single dominant stress acts to transform ecosystems, such as may occur in the process of eutrophication or acidification of aquatic ecosystems.   He said that much is known about the actions of these two stresses and the vulnerabilities of the recipient aquatic systems (e.g., Minns et al., 1990). He then argued that combining the findings from case studies of impacts of such specific stresses on ecosystems with the knowledge of current stress loadings and sensitivities of recipient ecosystems enables one to arrive at an ecosystem level risk assessment. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He was able to cite the development of various factor analyses similar to the manner in which risks of coronary disease are now assessed in ecosystem health evaluations. He cited the work of Minns et al. (1990) who have examined the impact of acid precipitation on the loss of fish species in vulnerable eastern Canadian lakes. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With these studies the author is really looking forward for the prevention of ecosystem’s degradation. Validation of treatment for ecosystem is a problem, too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.3 on â€Å"Validation of treatment† the author also talks of validation of treatment which is considered the bottom line for medical practitioners. This premised on the idea that once an illness has been diagnosed, the question turns squarely to the most effective treatment. Treatment validation provides a basis for selection among alternative procedures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In applying the medical terminology to the ecosystem, the author said that success rates for a given treatment cannot be evaluated without factoring out the influences of the other stress factors. He cited an example the evaluation of the effectiveness of harvesting regulations on restoring seal populations in the Baltic Sea. He said that it is necessary to take into account impairments to seal reproductive success owing to the presence of PCBs and related toxic substances (Helle et al., 1976). Here, just as in human medicine, he said, â€Å"we have the need to develop methodologies to factor out co-morbidities.†Ã‚   He mentioned the need for a far better taxonomy of ecosystem ills than we presently have. He said that one currently may describe ecosystem pathologies in terms of air pollution damage to forests, eutrophication of aquatic systems, acidification of aquatic and terrestrial systems, etc. but he said that these are very rudimentary categories. He therefore suggested that for each of these classifications there are many finer subdivisions which need to be categorized before one can readily compare case histories. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 7. Write a review of Section 6 (p-21: Reporting on the state of environment from an ecosystem health perspective) what do we learn from this Section? What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate? And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Environment could be seen from the health of the ecosystems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is trying to make a picture of the environment on the basis of the status of the ecosystem. He cited Canada as having subdivided its land areas into 15 ecozones, defined on the basis of Physiographic, vegetation type, soils/surface materials, climate, and human use. He reported that the forests of most ecozones are impacted by a combination of natural and cultural stresses (particularly in the Montaine Cordillera, Boreal Shield, and Atlantic Maritime ecozones). Included in the stresses is fire, insects and diseases, over-harvesting, conversion of forests to agriculture, construction of transportation and utility corridors, air pollution, and climate-induced stresses such as red belt and wind throw.   He then cited the relationship of increase disease in ecosystems which are more stressed. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author also mentioned that the other sections of the 1986 Canadian State of Environment Report relate to aquatic ecosystems, both the Laurentian Great Lakes and other Inland Waters, as well as the three marine systems (Atlantic, Pacific and Northern). He also cited that the major stresses affecting these ecosystems include: over-harvesting, construction of dams and diversions, contaminants (including toxic substances), and the purposeful or accidental introduction of exotic species (particularly in the Great Lakes and inland waters). Further, in all but the Northern marine ecosystems, land use change (particularly the drainage of wetlands for agricultural and recreational purposes) and sewage inflows added significant additional stress. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 8. What do we understand from the Conclusions written on p-23, are they appropriate; any critique; any thing missed in conclusion; any thing over emphasized. The simple conclusion could be done as shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We understand from the conclusion that ecosystem behavior under stress is complex and processes leading to degradation and recovery are only partially understood, nonetheless, ecosystem medicine is coming of age at least as a conjectural art. There therefore many challenges along the way. There also a combination of objective and subjective criteria is called into play in rendering judgments as to the health of ecosystems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another thing that   I did understand in the conclusion is that in talking about assessing the ecosystem from a point of view need not involve or borrow concepts from the medical sciences to understand the system but that the author argues that use of the metaphor suggests more systematic approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of ecosystem ills, underscores the importance of validation of remedial action interventions, and draws attention to the inherent subjective nature of health assessments. Further, the metaphor provides a language in which the concern for ecosystem health becomes a natural extension of the concern for individual health The conclusions drawn are appropriate and does not in any way insist that understanding how to manage the ecosystem be necessarily made reference to the medical science field.   It could be made from different points of view and the advantage of using a field of study to bring out the issues via use of metaphor may contribute much to information campaign. Question 9.   Is this article helpful in planning and managing environment, if yes how?   If no, why? What is the relevance of the article in planning and management of the environment?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     I believe this article is helpful in planning and managing environment.   Different persons belong to different professions and different professions have their own languages.   By using metaphor in medicine to discuss ecosystem and the environment, would be getting the member of the medical profession to understand the issues more clearly and to get their support for the cause of the environment Question 10.   Is the title appropriate, if yes WHY?   if no then suggest some other title, and also justify the title with a logical reasoning. How show the article be titled appropriately?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The title evaluating ecosystem health seems not to include treatment on ecosystem treatment.   Since it talks also of treatment the title could be modified as â€Å"Evaluating and Maintaining the Ecosystem’s Health.†Ã‚   By simply saying evaluating it the discussion on treatment should not have been part. Reference: Bird, P. M. & D. J. Rapport, 1986. State of the Environment Report for Canada. Ministry of Supply and Services.263 pp. Helle, E., M. Olsson & S. Jensen, 1976. PCB levels correlated with pathological changes in seal uteri. Ambio 5: 261–263. Holling, C. S., 1985. Resilience of ecosystems local surprise and global change. In: T. F. Malone & J. G. Roederer (eds), In Global Change, pp. 292–317. Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge. Minns, C. K., J. E. Moore, D. W. Schindler & M. L. Jones, 1990. Assessing the potential extent of damage to inland lakes in eastern Canada due to acidic deposition. 1V. Predicted impacts on species richness in seven groups of aquatic biota. Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 47: 821–830. Rapport, D. J., & A. M. Friend, 1979. Towards a comprehensive framework for environmental statistics: a stressresponse approach. Statist. Can., Ottawa. Rapport, D. J., & H. A. Regier, 1992. Disturbance and stress effects on ecological systems. In: B. C. Patten & S. E. Rapport, D. J., 1991. Myths in the foundations of economics and ecology. Biol. J. Liimean Soc. 44: 185–202. Rapport, D. J., H. A. Regier & T. C. Hutchinson, 1985. Ecosystem behaviour under stress. Amer. Natur. 125: 617–640. Rapport, D., (1992), Evaluating ecosystem health, Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health, M. Munawar (ed.), Assessing Aquatic Ecosystem Health: Rationale, Challenges, and Strategies. KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands Rowe, J. S., 1961. The level of integration concept and ecology. Ecology 42(2): 420–427. Rowe, J. S., 1989. Implications of the Brundtland Commission Report for Canadian forest management. Forestry

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Industrial V.S. Pastoral Essay

No other book has ever made me want to be a farmer more (or at all) than The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. No other book has placed such a dark cloud of doom and gloom over such a seemingly simple topic such as food production. I’m of course not talking about two identical models. One model is of industrial agriculture contrasted by pastoral agriculture. In his research Michael Pollan visited farms of both styles, got to know the onsite operations, followed the food to its ultimate destination, and finally ate a meal created with the very ingredients he spent a week investigating. Michael describes the farm owned by George Naylor, which is of the industrial model, as being fairly easy in terms of manual labor but extremely difficult in the detective work. Detective work usually isn’t something that gets brought up often when talking about farms; here it is referring to the journalistic tracking that Michael Pollan had to do with Mr. Naylor’s staple crop – corn. The difficulty in following a bushel of corn from the Naylor farm is his corn, along with the majority of corn grown in the U. S. will eventually wind up in practically everything we eat and use. He does a fabulous job of painting a picture of this river of corn and how it ebbs and flows throughout our lives eroding any dietary connection we once might have had to nature. Nature is after all a system based on diversity and here we see an entire nation built on and fueled by a single plant. The carbon in our flesh has even been tested and the findings were we are, after water, predom inately corn. I was starting to think that there were too many chapters in this book about corn! It just kept going and going but once I realized how much it is entwined in our lives and how perhaps this is the only account of someone illuminating that truth it started to seem necessary. As those carbon tests showed we are what we eat, Pollan shows in his book we are what we eat eats. Just as diversity is the spice of life in an ecosystem so too is it necessary for the physical health of animals. We humans know that very well and apply it readily to our own diets but what happens when we don’t allow nature to run its course in the meals of our meals? The nutritional content suffers immensely; to the point where our entire notion of healthy foods is skewed. An example used by Pollan is our idea of the nutritional content in red meat and fish. It is considered self-evident that an excess of red meat will cause all sorts of health problems. Likewise it is pretty well known that most fish, especially salmon, is rich in the good omega 3 fats and should be a staple of our diets. Omega 3 fats are produced in the leaves of plants while omega 6 fats are produced in the seeds of plants. If a cow was grass fed he would produce a healthier steak than the fillet of a farm raised salmon. This is because that salmon is most likely raised on corn. One would think that the flip side of this coin would be an organic farm. Well that same person would probably be very shocked to read what Michael Pollan had to say about organic. People might even feel duped by places like Whole Foods. As it is described in the book organic should realistically be read â€Å"industrial organic† for the farms and slaughterhouses are hardly different at all. In fact, instead of steering it onto a whole new track the organic rules and regulations only make it that much harder to run a traditional industrial operation. What the author shows as the antithesis to industrial is pastoral. In this section he visits the polyface farm of Joel Salatin which is reminiscent of a farm you might find in the movie Babe. It is actually a huge relief to read about because up to this point in the book you are starting to question if this kind of farm even exists. In this parallel universe monoculture is a filthy word and the practices found in industrial food production are nothing short of reprehensible. This model mimics nature therefore it is complex and interdependent; each and every plant and animal are so entwined in each other’s existence it really begs the question ‘what came first the chicken or the egg? ’ But that is the whole point of polyface farming. Only through diversity (and remaining in the local market) can sustainable agriculture be achieved. Or put another way, all of our environmental/agricultural problems start from attempting to create a monoculture ecosystem. Ruminants graze the grass chewing about ? of the blade while simultaneously dropping cow pies. The bottom part of the grass that cows do not eat is favored by the chickens that follow in the hoof prints before them. Around this time the cow patties start to grow ripe with larvae which become extra protein for the chickens. While the chickens scratch around the cow dung they consequently spread the manure for the farmer. This is only a small piece of the pie in terms of the interactions between all species that live and work on polyface. This is also one of the cycles of nature that if left to its own devises extinguishes the farmers need for pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Salatin could be seen as the conductor while all the other organisms of the farm are the musicians and the instruments; he sees how nature works and makes sure all the conditions are perfect and helps nature along. With his many inventions and quirky optimistic attitude one can’t help but picture a cartoon character. Several times throughout the reading I was reminded of the industrial revolution; and not just because the industrial food chain was born out of it. I found it interesting how the industrial food chain resembled the industrial revolution in conditions only. It was bleak, mechanical, and the conditions the animals are kept in are just horrible and unsanitary. The mass wave of human innovation and change that came out of the industrial revolution is absent from that food system but are absolutely present at polyface. Obviously this is just one farm so the analogy might be weak but I feel the conditions of this one farm, if recreated and multiplied, could produce some amazing ideas and inspire positive change.

How to Respond to Conflicts with Colleagues in Working Environment Essay

At my work placement, I had a conflict with a teaching assistant at the school. I was working two days per week, in year 4 with teaching assistant Mrs X, where she was continuously belittling me and at the same time discouraging me by working against me rather than working with me in assisting the children with their learning. For example, if I was working with the children on a group task, she would suddenly ask me to get her something unimportant. Which would not only interrupt the task and the children’s learning but their concentration as well. On another occasion, she contradicted me by giving another set of instructions to a group of children I was working with, to the instructions I had given to them earlier. It confused the group and they were unsure how the task was going to be carried out. Though she knew I was working with that particular group and I had already discussed the task with them. There were almost every days several occasions when I could feel the tension between us. At first I thought that as Mrs X was more experienced, she would know better and so I accepted the situation as it was. And being a trainee TA, I felt that she was genuinely correcting my ways to assist children in their learning. Secondly I also thought that I might be reading the situation wrongly and I might have misunderstood her. But as the days went by, the situation deteriorated further. And I began to realise that I was being picked upon by Mrs X for no particular reasons. At this point I decided to raise the matter with my mentor. I explained the situation to her. She was quite considerate and listened to me carefully. I was careful to explain the situation in a way, in case if my mentor took any action or decided to talk to Mrs X, than any bad feelings didn’t persist afterwards between us. After few days, my mentor got back to me and told me that she had a word with the class teacher of Mrs X and now on wards, I would directly be taking instructions and giving feedback to the class teacher only so that I had less and less interaction with Mrs X in the class room. It worked for me for some time, though luckily, I was asked by the Head teacher to start working with another year class where I was needed. I think I tried to resolve the conflict, with my colleague, amicably and constructively. I did so by first, not allowing it to go on for longer. Secondly, giving due time and consideration, to analyse the situation carefully, and then deciding to talk to my mentor in utmost cautious way so that no bad feelings persist afterwards with Mrs X, and that it’s on record with my mentor as well.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 159

Summary - Essay Example Their intention was to prevent the sale of cotton until the intervention of the government authorities to increase the prices. As a result, the Klan warned the warehouses and other stores to stop operating, pending decisions from the government (Zerzan, n.p). In this regard, it is apparent that the Klan had campaigned for economic restoration and improvement of welfare. I think the Klan received enjoyed massive support in the Southern where its leadership had influence among the citizens. Economic and social issues were the motivations of the people to join the movement, enabling the group to gain prominence among the low-income workers. For instance, some veterans wanted compensation after the World War 1 after observing the treatment of soldiers from other countries. This implies that the Klan consisted of a diverse membership that had a common agenda with different implementation modes. However, the poor living standards, social injustices and inequality were among the elements that causes friction within the group. This is because some members thought that the Klan focused on political and economic issues without considering their personal welfare. For instance, the poor white sympathizers did not want their black counterparts to join the movement. They thought it was a way of empowering the black to stop working in the plantations. This caused friction between the two groups, leading to racist battles. The moral intolerance in the groups dissolved their missions, which weakened the labor movements across the country. The article further indicates that the other aspect of the Klan was its contribution towards eliminating gangs of organized crimes. This was evident in Oklahoma and Indiana, where criminal cases were enhanced to terrorize the locals. The radical nature of the members led to the establishment of civil movements and labor

Sunday, July 28, 2019

DOMINION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DOMINION - Essay Example Biblical texts have shown emphasis and influence on the comprehension of human beings and how we think of ourselves in reference to God our creator and the environment around us. The verse evaluates human dignity as well as privileges given to him by the Creator, human sexuality, women and men relationship, and man’s role in relation to the creation. It is here where the bible illustrate the dominion of man in reference to the world (Genesis 1: 28). This dominion is phrased such that human beings have the role to exploit the environment but to do it responsibly meaning; to use the available resources to help him but not misusing them (Culture and Bible 1995). The role also extends to naming the animals, monitoring their activities, and developing the nature of the world; this is because it defines the hierarchy of authority and power. In short, human beings play the role of the head of the house as far as the whole creation is concerned (Anderson, Bernhard 1975). Man has responsibility to govern and supervise the overall creation. This is because they have added features such as they are capable of differentiating between the wrong and right which gives man a basis of decision making. The added feature resulted from God’s images and likeness unlike the rest, and this brings about the aspect of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Article Critiques on Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article Critiques on Finance - Essay Example For example, although, â€Å" 70% of Swedes and 61% of Americans aged 55 to 64 work, a mere 32% of Austrians and Belgians in the range do [so].† In analyzing certain trends, the OECD report has divided its members into four groups having similar characteristics. These groups are â€Å"English speaking’, ‘Northern Europe’, ‘Continental and southern Europe’ and ‘Central Europe’. The first two of these groups have been successful in maintaining high employment rates. This, as per the report is attributed to the fact that countries in these two groups have, â€Å"weaker job protection; less generous unemployment benefits and thinner tax wedges than the average†. The message here is clear, namely, that the best way to reduce unemployment is to get more people out to work by the simple expedient of loosening labour markets. Workers must have an incentive to work to make ends meet, which might not be enough motivation if unemployment benefits are too attractive, or conversely, if the take-home pay is not worth the difference in effort. Encouraging people to work until they are much older is one way of reducing the pension burden, but this is offset by the fact that, â€Å" wages are often based on seniority not productivity†. Hence a correct balance has to be drawn, especially since wastage through retirement is one of the methods of job creation. This article examines Europe’s attempts at a monetary union and whether in fact countries that have adopted the Euro have really benefited in terms if increased trade. When Britain stayed out of the merger, it was projected that should Britain join it would result in a possible increase in trade by as much as 50%, and living standards by up o 9%. However, studies carried out by Richard Baldwin do not support these estimates. Baldwin has worked out that the increase in trade on the Euro adopting countries is only between 5% to 15%, with the average being 9%. The three EU countries that did not join

Friday, July 26, 2019

Abstract and critique of Training Teachers to Use Naturalistic Essay

Abstract and critique of Training Teachers to Use Naturalistic Communication Strategies in Classrooms for Students with Autism and Other Severe Handicaps - Essay Example The goals and objectives are used as an assessment tool. It is called the â€Å"Individualized Education Plan†, which is a plan for each individual student. These steps are later observed in the classroom for implementation. The teachers are observed by the SLP and at any given point the teachers will be given immediate feedback by the SLP ´s corrective measures during the observation process. The teachers have to follow the suggestions given by the SLP and does not continue to the next step until the teacher has accomplished the task. The SLP gives the teacher feedback, after a 10-minute observation is done by using the â€Å"Communication Maintenance Goals checklist†. The SLP gives the observations to the teacher and the teacher gives the supervising teacher the feedback after reviewing them. The teacher should reach an 80% of competency after three consecutive observations. This study was tested in two special education classrooms at The May Institute, Inc. The children that were observed had severe communication deficits, social withdrawals, aggression, and self-injuries behaviors. The children received one-to-one and small group instruction on pre academic and academic skills, vocational skills, self-help routines, and recreation programs. There were eight children involved in this study made up by two groups of four. The children were diagnosed as having autism, severe mental retardation, or pervasive developmental delay. Their ages ranged from 7 years to 13 years. Two of the children took medications (insulin and clonodine). For the reliability, the observers had an agreement of 86% to 96% in the frequency of elicited communication maintenance goals which was 90% and for the frequency of spontaneous communication maintenance goals which ranged from 72% to 95% reaching an agreement of 81%. The authors selected one of the children, Tim, for an in-depth analysis. They presented the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Services Program and Profession Discussion UNIT 6 Research Paper

Human Services Program and Profession Discussion UNIT 6 - Research Paper Example More so, today several laws were made with the purpose of protecting a child’s right (Stein, 2006). These laws include protection from abuse, exploitation, discrimination and neglect. Second right to a provision in terms of education health and a standard of living and the right to participation in communities and have services and programs for children. These laws have developed gradually since the orphan train. Children and adolescents are sometimes unable to verbalize their thoughts about what they are feeling and want they go through during the day. Some of the health issues they face include anxiety, suicidal thoughts, depression, drug use and long term behavioral problems such as conduct disorder. According to mental health professionals in schools, some of these emotional and behavioral problems are because of school violence or bullying (Finch, 2012). These issues can be treated by observing the child or the teen, and analyzing the frequency of the problem. The two agencies in child, adolescent and family are The National Association of Child Care Recourse and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) and The Administration of Children and Families (ACF). The ACF is a federal agency that provides programs that are related to children family issues, such as, childcare and support, and child welfare. The NACCRRA objective is to make sure families get access to the best and affordable health care (Pecora, 2009) the agency also maintains state childcare resources as well as programs or people that care for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminology 1 question future crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminology 1 question future crime - Essay Example However, contrary to the thought that development would also make man wiser, it becomes clear that man is losing his insight of moral values. This fact is evident from the ever increasing crime rates all over the world. Man has proved to be capable of committing heinous crimes that are beyond the understanding of certain individuals. What one cannot even imagine, the other is capable of executing, this emphasizes the fact that every man is different from the other. With the advent of the computer age, criminal activity has escalated to another level. In the past, various crimes known to exist were those such as theft, homicide, human trafficking, child and women abuse, juvenile delinquency and so on. However, now with the invention of internet, computer and such other electronic devices, people have left the realm of real world. Whatever they do now, it is always encompassed within the digital world. Therefore, there emerges a whole new possibility of crimes in the modern day as well as in the future. Since the emergence of internet, various crimes have started taking toll on unaware victims and these crimes are known as cyber crime. Therefore, it can be said that future crimes will definitely be directed towards the digital world. The different types of crimes in this field are insider crime, hacking, spam, fraud, cyber terrorism, drug trafficking â€Å"telecommunications fraud, online pedophilia, high-tech espionage† etc (Hagan, 2011). Though the present data provides an insight into the trends of crime to a certain extent, â€Å"they are limited in forecasting crime† (Schafer, 2007). However, various researches and studies based on criminology as well as the modern lifestyles have led to different predictions of future crimes. It is predicted that â€Å"illegal marketing of human parts† will increase substantially, â€Å"employee computer crime† will be on the rise with

Combined Cycle Power Plant Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Combined Cycle Power Plant - Case Study Example We examine Navasota's current position in the Texas energy market place to describe the environment in which the company is developing, the strengths and weaknesses and financial characteristics of such a company. We then propose different possibilities for a strategy for Navasota in the future and extend our analysis to see what leadership and rewards might need to be available for Navasota employees, executive or other, to make this happen. When considering the total amount of energy used in the United States, 22% of it corresponds to natural gas. Natural gas is used to produce heat, steam and electrical power generation, with use ranging from commercial and residential sectors, to industrial processes. At the moment, 15% of utility and non-utility power is produced from natural gas. Projections show that in the US as a whole 33% of the electricity generated in 2020 will be from natural gas-fired power plants (Spath & Mann, 2000). However although this is figure that may be true on average for the whole country, individual states, as we will see later, may have different objectives. Navasota runs two natural gas combined cycle facilities in Texas, one in Wharton and the other in Odessa. The term "combined cycle" refers to the method used to improve the efficiency of electricity generation. ... An independent study on gas-fired generators found that CO2 accounts for 99 wt% of all air emissions. Methane is emitted in the next highest quantity, 74% of which are fugitive emissions from natural gas production and distribution (Spath & Mann, 2000). In Texas in particular however, the historical activity of oil and gas production is decreasing. The state is gradually turning its attention to sustainable, "green" energy sources. It cites the drivers for this shift in emphasis as being peak oil and gas prices, climate change, technological change and economic development issues (Texas State, 2008). Currently gas with its 4253 trillion BTUs is second only to oil in terms of the quantity of energy generated in the primary energy category for Texas. Conscious of the environmental consequences, mindful of the falling intra-state production of gas and looking for ways to contain and reduce energy expenditure, the state has identified biomass and bio-fuels, wind, solar and geothermal energy sources as candidates to replace oil and gas generation of energy, together with a further source of (electrolytic) hydrogen (State of Texas, 2008). It is this thinking that leads the state of Texas to define green buildings, wind power generators, hydrogen, advanced solar, hydrogen re-powering, transportation unification and tele-transportation as the new vectors of energy generation and energy economy to be followed. The proposed Texas State energy strategy is then defined as the re-establishment of energy independence for Texas, the development of new, renewable energy, strengthening of the rural and domestic sectors as energy generators (notably from solar energy) and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Strategy of Audi Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

International Strategy of Audi - Assignment Example Globalization has provided avenues for growth the world over. Unlike earlier times when the local companies/ manufacturers were favored over ‘outsiders’, globalization has made this practice redundant in almost all major economies, as far as legal provisions are concerned. Therefore companies are quick to respond to the situation. Now the moot question is ‘which strategy to opt for, while entering the International arena. In general the strategies could be categorized as; 1. A multi domestic strategy 2. A global or international strategy 3. A transnational strategy A multi domestic strategy enables individual subsidiaries of a multinational firm to compete independently in different domestic markets. The multinational headquarters coordinates financial controls and major marketing policies, and may centralize some R&D and component production. Otherwise subsidiary behaves like a strategic business unit that is expected to contribute earnings and growth proportionate to the market opportunity. In this strategy, resources are dispersed throughout the various countries where the firm is doing the business, decision-making authority is pushed down to the local level, and each business unit is allowed to customize products and market offerings to specific needs. The corporation as a whole foregoes the benefits that could be derived from centralization and coordination of diverse activities. Global strategy seeks competitive advantage with strategic moves that are highly interdependent across countries. This strategy involves a high degree of concentration of resources and capabilities in the central office and centralization of authority in order to exploit potential scale and learning economies. These moves include most or all of the following: A standardized core product that exploits or creates homogenous tastes or performance requirements, Significant participation in all major country markets to build volume, A concentration of value-creating activities such as R&D and manufacturing in a few countries, and A coherent competitive strategy that pits the worldwide capabilities of the business against the competition. In transnational strategy a company often enters into strategic alliances with their customers, suppliers, and other business partners to save time and capital. Such alliances when they become long-term partnerships may bring to the firm specialized competencies, relatively stable and sophisticated market outlets that help in honing its products and services, or stable and flexible supply sources. In such a strategy, nearly all value-adding activities are managed from a global perspective without reference to national borders. This results in a virtual corporation, consisting of several independent firms that collaborate to bring products or services to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ultralight Trike Essay Example for Free

Ultralight Trike Essay An ultralight trike, also known as a flex-wing trike, weight-shift control aircraft, microlight trike, deltatrike[1] or motorized deltaplane,[2] is a type of powered hang glider using a high performance Rogallo wing coupled to a propeller-powered three-wheeled undercarriage. While many powered aircraft have three-wheeled landing gear, the term trike refers specifically to the form of aircraft described here. The principles of this page can generally be applied to the single place ultralight trike and the two place weight-shift control light-sport aircraft. Control This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2008) Flight control in a trike is by weight-shift. [3] This is similar to controlling a hang glider, in which the aviator or pilot is suspended from the wing made from high-strength aluminium and fabric. The pilot controls the attitude of the wing by holding onto and operating a triangular control bar (or triangular control frame) (TCF) that is rigidly attached to the wing. Pushing, pulling, and turning the TCF causes a corresponding shift in the aircrafts center of gravity. For instance, pushing the TCFs basebar forward causes the center of gravity to shift back. This, in turn, causes the nose of the aircraft to pitch up, causing the angle of attack to increase which causes the aircraft to fly more slowly. In contrast, pushing forward on the control stick of a traditional aircraft would cause that aircraft to dive. Detail of a Mainair Blade ultralight trike (in 2009) Turns are accomplished by rolling the wing in the direction of the intended turn. This is accomplished by moving the control bar to the left in order to enter a right hand turn. This causes the center of gravity—represented primarily by the weight of the undercarriage and pilot—to shift in the direction of the intended turn. This in itself does not cause the aircraft to turn, but it does cause the aircraft to bank, or tip, to the side. Some adverse yaw is also initially produced, which is soon damped by the natural yaw stability of the wing. A banking maneuver becomes a turn because of the natural yaw stability of the wing. When a roll is applied, the aircraft begins to side slip towards the lower wing. Since the wing is yaw stable, a yaw is set up in the direction of the bank, thus coordinating the turn. A small anhedral effect may be built into the wing to aid roll response, where the side slip causes increased banking. This is similar to the way in which a hang glider is controlled. In fact, trikes are essentially propeller-powered hang gliders with seats and wheels. Trikes have often employed wings designed for hang gliding; the Rogallo-winged trike Paresev 1B of NASAs 1960s experiments and Barry Hill Palmers trike (Fleep inspired) modeled the wing that has evolved to contemporary trike wings. As weight and performance goals have increased purpose-built wings have become more commonplace. They are now long distance cross country machines as shown by record-breaking flights that echo the exploits of fixed-wing aviators in the 1920s and 1930s, e. g. , the circumnavigation of the world.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of E-business

Advantages and disadvantages of E-business Using Internet technology to provide improved customer service, make more efficient business processes, increase sales, and reduce wastage is called E-business. E-business uses the internet tools such as websites, online banking, and web based customer relationship. Advantages of E-Business: There are many benefits an organisation can get with having an E-Business solution for the business. Worldwide Presence: The major advantage of engaging business online, to have presence nationwide or worldwide. IBM uses the e-business term to provide services to the customer and was one of the first companies uses this term. Dell Inc. and Amazon are the other success stories using E-Business to flourish their business. Cost Effective Marketing and Promotions: using internet to market products is a very nominal method which guarantees the worldwide reach. Pay per click advertising is a effective technique which ensure the business only pay for the advertisement that actually viewed. Better Customer Service: E-Business has change the customer services image enormously. Number of customers can visit or the website at same time. Some website have online chat feature to help the customer to find out more about the product they are interested in. moreover orders can be placed online by processing payments securely over the internet and products can be shipped to the customer. In this case customers even do not have to leave the house. Disadvantages of E-Business: Even above mentioned advantages there are some disadvantages of the E-Business. Some of them are listed below. Sartorial limitation: the main disadvantage of E-Business is lack of growth in some sectors i.e. food. Consumer prefers to look the food products physically before buying. Costly maintenance: substantial recourses are required to setup online business which requires computer upgrade, personnel trainings and website upgrade. This can be a disadvantage for some organisation. Security concern: The security concerns also lead to privacy issue. There are many examples of contact lists and personal details were hacked or exposed due to weak E-Business system security. Virus threat. Physical products constrain. Perishable goods. Types of business organisation: There are two major types of the business. Private sector: Private firms are owned and run by private individual. There is further classification in private sector firms. Sole traders: A sole trader owns and runs a business. They contribute capital to start the enterprise, run it with or without employees, and earn the profits or stand the losses of the venture. Sole traders are found mainly in the retail trades (local newsagents), small scale service industries (plumbers), and small manufacturing and craft industries. Advantages: Easy to setup Can keep all the profits Make key decision. Flexibility Disadvantages: Unlimited liability Limited access to capital Pressure of being solely responsible. Partnership: Partnership is defined as the relation who subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit. A partnership is not a separate legal person distinct from its members; it is merely a relation between persons. Each partner (there must be at least two) is usually personally liable for all the debts of the firm. Advantages: Greater access to capital Shared responsibility Easy to setup. Disadvantages: Unlimited liabilities All partners liable for the debt of each other. Partnership dissolves on death of one partner. Potential of conflict. Limited companies: Limited companies are essential to be register at companies house. Company must issue a memorandum of association that includes nature of business and structure of the company. Limited companies also called Limited Liabilities Company. Shareholders have limited liabilities, if company winds up shareholders do not have to pay anything. Limited companies are further categorised in two types. Private limited company (LTD) A private limited company is one where the liability is limited to the value of the shares issued. This means that any debts are debts of the company, not of the owners. Company is owned by 1 to 50 shareholders and must have at least one director. Accounts have to prepare and submit to the companies house annually. Legally company can sue and can be sued. Public limited company (PLC) A Public limited company the one which can issue and trade their shares in the stock exchange for general public. Therefore ownership is open to anyone who wants to buy shares. There can be minimum two owners but no maximum numbers. Company must have at least two directors and a fully qualified company secretary. Public sector: Public sector businesses are owned by government. Government holds majority of the stakes in public sector industries. In last twenty years number of government owned firms reduced massively. Very few examples remain for instance: Royal mail, Royal Bank of Scotland. Aims of an organisation: An aim for any business organisation is a long term goal, something to be achieved over a significant period of time. These aims based upon a planned management strategy. For instance for a private company, aims might include To survive To achieve profitability by a certain time To increase profits To achieve technical excellence To improve quality of our products To be leader in the market To improve market share To enter global market. P 1.2: Stakeholders: Stakeholders are group of people who have an interest in a business organisation. There are a number of groups and individual who can be describe as stakeholders in any business. The Business Owners Managers Staff Customer Suppliers Community Government Figure above shows the possible stakeholder in a business activity. Some of the stakeholders are internal, some are external. Internal Stakeholders: Internal stakeholders are those who are members of the business organisation. For instance: Owners Manager Staff and employees External Stakeholders: External Stakeholders  are not a part of the firm and have an interest in the business. For instance: Customers Suppliers Community Government I will discuss the stakeholder in respect to my business later on in my business plan. P 1.3: Organisational Functions: Organisations arrange their resource recourses into different business functions. All organisations, whatever their business nature is have to manage the following business functions. Finance Human Resources Sales and Marketing Administration Research and Development. Each of the function needs to work tighter so the organisation can achieve their goals. Finance Function The financial section of the organisation will keep manual/electronic records of money received and paid out by the organisation. This information will then be used to produce various financial statements for tax purposes and to comply with legal requirements. The information will also be used to produce management accounts to enable senior managers to plan and review business strategy. The finance department or unit may also be responsible for administering employee expenses and salaries. For payment of wages the finance department will need to take into account statutory deductions such as tax, and employee contributions such as pension or loan repayments. Human Resources Function Human resources or Personnels main responsibility is the recruitment, selection, training and development of staff. This will involve developing staff to maximise their potential in a manner that furthers the organisations objectives.   Human resources may also need to comply with legislation applicable to the country in which they are based. For example in the  UK  employers will need to maintain accurate personal records in a manner that is compliant with the UK Data Protection Act 1984. Human resources often adopt a welfare role which includes looking after employees whilst they are at work. They may also create policies that balance organisational needs with those of the employee. They will also interpret employee welfare legislation and ensure that the organisation is complying with the applicable legislation. Sales and Marketing Function The marketing department will research customer needs to develop strategy and product to satisfy that customer need. In its research, the marketing department will investigate the market they are aiming at; the type of consumer making up the market (age, background sex etc) and the preferences of the consumer within that market. The marketing department will then need to marry consumer preferences with producing a product that is profitable. Once the product has been designed by the production department marketing will then need to package, advertise, and promote the product. Sales are responsible for persuading the consumer to purchase the end product, manufactured through marketings research. The Sales Departments selling strategy could involve  mailshots, travelling sales representatives, telephone sales and devising the sales interview. Administration This involves dealing with all administrative tasks including mail handling, dealing with enquiries/complaints, catering, and computer services. They will also produce documents (eg  forms, stationary, and newsletters) for the organisation and maintain the organisations premises and equipment. This function although not always recognised is vital, as it is the glue that holds the organisation together. Without an administrative department, customer complaints would not be resolved, customer orders may not be processed, and the workforce may not have the tools they need to complete their tasks. Research and Development Function The aim of research and development is to improve existing products, create new and better products, improve production methods, and create effective processes. This will enable the organisation to reduce costs, increase profitability and remain ahead of the competition. As not all research will lead to new/improved products/processes companies will need to allocate a specific portion of their budget to research and development activities. P 2.1: E-Business impact on consumer: E-Business brings the merchandise information to the online consumers home wherever they are. The choice available through E-Business to the consumer is enormous. Usually visiting a store physically means trek around, looking for the item consumer wants. E-business made it easy for the consumer to access the stores online to find their relevant item. Online shoping websites like illustrate how e-business provides the consumer vastly increased verity of products available 24/7, both physical goods as well as services such as finance and insurance. P 2.2: E-Business impact on Business: E-business has made a deep impact on society. People can now shop online in the privacy of their own homes without ever having to leave. This can force larger brick and mortar retailers to open an online division. In some cases, it can also force smaller businesses to shut their doors, or change to being completely online. It also changes the way people look at making purchases and spending money. E-business has changed the face of retail, services, and other things that make our economy work. Undoubtedly, it will continue to influence how companies sell and market their products, as well as how people choose to make purchases for many years to come. P 2.3: Market Research: Market research is the procedure of using a variety of methods to collect, analyzes, and report data about possible consumer groups. Market research is used as a marketing strategy. Formal market segmentation requires comprehensive market research. The market research will helps to identify  quantitative  and  qualitative  patterns in consumer groups.  Quantitative  consumer data  refers to numbers such as age,  income, and family size while qualitative data relies on characteristics such as  education, occupation, and personality.  There are several ways you can go about segmenting  a population to target a market. Some are more relevant to your business than others. The  following describes different aspects of market segmentation used for marketing research that will help you in identifying a niche and maximizing business marketing. Types of Market Research: Surveys are the most commonly used  and least expensive market research method available. They can be conducted online, in person, or by phone. Focus groups are a method by which companies gain feedback on products by asking questions in an interactive group setting. This method might also be used to gain feedback on  services,  concept, advertisement, ideas, or packaging. Technology: Apart from surveys and questioners there are few tools available on internet that are used to collect data of the consumers accessing specific business over the web. I tried to access the tools to collect current data of particular business but all of them where required to have a paid membership. I used Google web analyser to analyze website traffic. Another tool which can help finding information about the anchor text used by the linking sites is SEO Books Back Link Analyzer It Supplies multiple output data including backlink status, link text, page title, outbound links, links on page, IP address, link type and Google information. P 2.3: Market Research impact on E-Business: Today we are living in vibrant world where numbers of things are changing very rapidly. Therefore it has become very complex to predict anything. Business is also a part of this rapid changing world and it is very difficult to predict any next move of market or customers respectively. However, to achieve success in the business world, it is very significant for any business to have full information about the market progress and the customers behaviour. Therefore, business requires a solution which can help them to gather these facts and figures. A most effective solution for this problem resides in the form of market research, that provides a great possibility to identify the numerous trends in the market and customers need. Market research is a combination of few methods like surveys, analysis, trends, prediction. Adopting the effective market research method can help business to identify new market trends, their competitor activities, acceptability of their products in market, scope for new products, and reason behind failure of products. A large numbers of business organisation have made market research an essential part of the organisation. However, many others take the help of external agencies and advisors. Mode of doing market research may be whatever but one thing is clear that market research significantly help organisations in making right moves at the right time. By making market research an integral part of companies work structure, companies can easily avoid number of shocks coming from market and increase their success rate considerably. Therefore, in simple words we can say that by getting the help of market research, it is possible for any organisation to succeed in the business world. Chapter 2: Online Business Development: Introduction: Handyman online is a website which will provide wide range of repair and maintenance services around the home. This idea for the e business is not unique but in a way it is different from recent trend of customer services. The idea comes through my mind when I required some paint and patch work need to be done around the house. It was not a very large area so there was no need to hire professional contractors as a most people are fear of lengthy process and expensive labour. In search of the person who can carry out this small job I search in the local yellow pages, unfortunately I could not find any person. I browse the internet to search for the right person for the job. I narrowed down my search to 3 persons who carry out this kind of jobs in that area. When I called 2 of them refuse to come and visit the site due to lack of time and one of them promised to visit and never turned up. I have a degree in civil engineering in which I spent three years to learn about construction and its requirements before I come into the IT field. As per my pervious knowledge in the specific area I visited the (do it yourself) DIY stores like Homebase and BQ. I browsed for my required material and the actual work didnt take not more then 3 hour to finish. This draws my attention to the market potential and lack of required skilled staff in this area. People like me spend enormous amount of time over the internet to search person to carry out such a small tasks like assembling a cupboard, hang out a curtain or change the lock. In my case I was very disappointed about the response of the persons to carry out my required work. In my opinion there is a lot of potential in this market which I will discuss later in my report. Mission Statement: Mission is to reach and provide the customer high standard handyman services in quick and efficient way and creates employment opportunities. Goals: Create over 20% of business from repeat customers. Generate  steady revenue per year by the end of year two. Develop the business into full-time employment within 12 months. P 3.1: The Market research: Handyman Onlines target market has been divided into two segments: home owners and property managers. There are 1,340 potential customers in the property manager segment.  This group is growing at a 4% annual growth rate. There are 25,190 potential customers in the home owner segment. This  group has a 5% annual growth rate. Competition Handyman online will receive competition from several sources. The most well-known competitors are detailed below: Handymen Fix-It-Up: This is a one man company that is specialized in electrical problems and plumbing. Painting and patios are not serviced. When speaking with the customers regarding their experience with this company their expression was mixed. This is a handyman company that employs three different workers as handymen. This is a large company (for handymen) with a far less intimate customer experience. If a customer used this service on four different occasions, they are likely to receive four different people on the service calls. Contractors (General) Raj Contractors: This is a full-service general contractor. The organization is large with 17 employees. This company does a mixture of commercial and residential work. This company has an eight hour minimum contract. MF Contractors: This is a small sized contractor of five employees. They concentrate on residential jobs and have a smaller minimum of four hour projects. P 3.2: Market Analysis Summary Handyman online has identified two different market segments, home owners and property managers. As I discussed earlier, like in my case the most important segments as they are the customers who often have small repairs. These repairs are too small for to hire a contractor and complicated enough for the owner to perform themselves. Customers often call the service provider who they are familiar with, regardless of the suitability. For this reason, word of mouth referrals will be very important. Possible customers normally ask neighbours or friends and any other property managers for advice on handyman service providers. Handyman online will take advantage of word of mouth marketing by providing exceptional services to keep customers satisfied. Excellent service will result in new and repeat business. Market research outcomes: As I discussed earlier, I divided the potential market into two distinct customer groups: Home owners The value of the homes ranges generally between  £160,00  £655,00. 48% of home owners try to make small repairs themselves; they often start the repair and later realize that they do not have the appropriate skills to complete the repair. The remaining 52% do not attempt to repair it, they call a professional person to perform the repair. 62% have owned their home for more than two years. 73% of the customers wait until several small problems accumulate before they call a handyman for repair. This behaviour can be explained by not wanting to incur a large upfront charge just to have someone fix one thing. Property managers: Typically do not have their own in-house repair man in an effort to reduce overhead expenses. The range of monthly rental costs of their units is  £350- £675. Market Analysis Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Potential Customers Growth CAGR Home owners 5% 24,090 25,295 26,560 27,888 29,282 5.00% Property managers 4% 1,234 1,283 1,334 1,387 1,442 3.97% Total 25,324 26,578 27,894 29,275 30,724 P 3.3: Company: Handyman online will be formed as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) by myself. i will be the sole employee and owner of the company and I will hire the staff time to time according to the nature of the job. The company will incur certain start-up costs, primarily tools, detailed in the Start-up Summary section. Start-up requirements: Handyman online will incur start-up costs related to start of the business. The following table details the start-up costs as well as indicated the needed capital for initial operations. Stan will be using his personal tools for jobs but will need to purchase the following additional equipment/tools: Assorted plumbing tools including: slip wrenches, snakes, teflon tape, and assorted caps, nuts, and bolts. Electrical tools including: electrical gauge meters, wire cutters, various wires and wire caps, and soldering iron. Painting material including: paint brushes, paint roller, pneumatic paint sprayer, air compressor, sand papers, spackle tools and masking tape. Pressure washer. Various general tools. Assorted power tools (drill, saw, sander, Dremel). Assorted nails, bolts, screws, and fixtures. Laptop with portable printer for mobile invoice printing and submission. Mobile phone. Start-up Expenses Legal  £800 Accountant  £600 Brochures  £250 Insurance  £250 website registration  £25 Website hosting  £75 webpage development  £500 Total Start-up Expenses  £2,500 P 3.4: Details of cost: Start-up Assets Cash Required  £20,500 Other Current Assets  £0 Long-term Assets  £8,000 Total Assets  £28,500 Total Requirements  £31,000 Start-up Funding Start-up Expenses to Fund  £2,500 Start-up Assets to Fund  £28,500 Total Funding Required  £31,000 Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up  £8,000 Cash Requirements from Start-up  £20,500 Additional Cash Raised  £0 Cash Balance on Starting Date  £20,500 Total Assets  £28,500 Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current Borrowing  £0 Long-term Liabilities  £31,000 Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)  £0 Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)  £0 Total Liabilities  £31,000 Capital Planned Investment Investor 1  £0 Other  £0 Additional Investment Requirement  £0 Total Planned Investment  £0 Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) - £2,500 Total Capital - £2,500 Total Capital and Liabilities  £28,500 Total Funding  £31,000 Loan required  £31,000 P 4.1: Company Services Handyman online will provide repair and maintenance for home owners and property managers. All type of services will be provided from just  £40 per hour plus parts. Handyman online will give every customer at least one hour of work at their property. All work is handyman work, for larger nature of jobs that require a contractor; Handyman online will search an experienced service provider free for the customer. By providing only handyman services, handyman online will always attempt to repair the problem first, replacement is only an option if the item cannot be repaired. This differs from a contractor philosophy which is generally to replace everything first. Repairing items is far less expensive for the consumer. Handyman online will offer a one year guarantee for all of their repair and maintenance work, The goal is to not have any unsatisfied customers. Offered services include: Minor plumbing Leaky faucets, repair/replace fixtures, sprinkler repair, minor drain problems, garbage disposal install, install ice maker lines. Minor electrical Ceiling fan repair and install, electrical plugs and switches, vanity lights, motion lights, cable and phone line installation. Fence repair Metal and wood fence repair and install, electric dog fences, gate and latch install. Window, wall and door repairs Small hole repair, door installation, window maintenance and repair. Decks and patios Deck repair and maintenance, chemical cleaning, pressure washing, wood replacement, handrail installation. Painting Interior and exterior (short of an entire exterior of a house). Weather proofing Weather stripping, caulking. Flooring Carpet and hard wood repair Company Ownership: I am the founder and owner of Handyman online. The company will remain a one-man operation for the foreseeable future. P 4.2: Market Analysis Summary Handyman online has identified two different market segments, home owners and property managers. As I discussed earlier, like in my case the most important segments as they are the customers who often have small repairs. These repairs are too small for to hire a contractor and complicated enough for the owner to perform themselves. Customers often call the service provider who they are familiar with, regardless of the suitability. For this reason, word of mouth referrals will be very important. Possible customers normally ask neighbours or friends and any other property managers for advice on handyman service providers. Handyman online will take advantage of word of mouth marketing by providing exceptional services to keep customers satisfied. Excellent service will result in new and repeat business. Marketing strategy: Website Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy will employ two distinct mechanisms: Search engine submission: This will be most useful to people who are unfamiliar with handyman online but are looking for a local handyman. There will also be searches from customers who may know about handyman online but are seeking additional information. URL on all printed material: For every printed piece of material that we offers, the sites Web address will be listed, encouraging a visit to the site. Website Development Requirements The site will be developed by me because I have an experience to develop a website. I will seek help from a friend to develop some aspect of the website. The value of the development will not increase more then  £600, it will not have to be listed as a payout of 1099 income for tax purposes. P 4.3: Sales Forecast The sales forecast has been developed in a conventional way to increase the possibility of achieving the sales goals. The forecast sales breaks down is based on the activities that Handyman online will perform. Required parts to replacing the faulty ones will be invoiced separately, there consumables such as nails, caulk, and etc., that will be used will be included in the  £40 hourly fee. These consumables are captured in the direct costs of goods as a percentage of the overall service charge. The different services have different percentages assigned to each type of service. Handyman online will perform a wide range of jobs, that will be billed at the same hourly rate. The competition typically bills out electrical work at a higher rate, and painting at a lower rate. Company has chosen a single hourly rate to encourage customers to use the services for more then one repair on the same visit. Sales Forecast Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales Plumbing  £4,250  £12,500  £16,550 Electrical  £3,698  £10,875  £14,399 Fences  £782  £2,875  £3,807 Windows  £1,360  £4,000  £5,296 Decks  £945  £4,500  £5,958 Paint  £2,508  £7,375  £9,765 Weather proofing  £1,403  £4,125  £5,462 Parts  £850  £2,500  £3,310 Floors  £1,615  £4,750  £6,289 Total Sales  £17,410  £53,500  £70,834 Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Plumbing  £298  £875  £1,159 Electrical  £185  £544  £720 Fences  £23  £86  £114 Windows  £109  £320  £424 Decks  £38  £180  £238 Paint  £226  £664  £879 We

Definition Of Inclusion And How It Defers To Integration

Definition Of Inclusion And How It Defers To Integration Inclusion and Integration are there to help those children who have Special Needs. In simple terms they are there for the provision of the children. Yet, at the same time both of them are very different. According to the government the term Inclusion is defined as The department for Education and Employment Green Paper (DfEE, 1997) explains that Inclusion is a process, not a fixed state..meaning not only that pupils with education needs should wherever possible receive their education in a mainstream school, but also that they should join fully with their peers in the curriculum and life of the school. Yet in contrast to Inclusion, Integration is different. According to Simmons et al 2007, defines that integration is where the child must adapt to its schools, and there will be no assumption that the school will be able to help. The differences between inclusion and integration   INTEGRATION INCLUSION Emphasises needs of Special Students Emphasises rights of all students  Ã‚   Changing or remedying the subject Changing the school Benefits to the student with special needs of being integrated  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benefits to all students of including all Professionals, specialist expertise and formal support  Ã‚   Informal support and the expertise of mainstream teachers Good teaching for all   (ibid) As you can see, in the table above it explains the difference of how inclusion and integration works. This shows that inclusion emphasis on the children whereas, integration does not. Yet at the same time both terms are there for the beneficial of children with SEN. This is causing issues on which to follow. According to Ainscow et al. (2006), informs us that the definition of inclusion is not clearly defined. This is also supported by Topping and Maloney (2005), who also argue that inclusion in its broadest sense refers to the acceptance of all individual in the society by accepting and respecting those who made positive contribution. However, it seems that there is not a clear definition on the term inclusion as different theories have different ideas. Nutbrown and Clough (2006, p12) explains that Inclusion is an approach to education and childcare according to inclusive values rather than a concern with particular group of children and young people. Also a similar approach to them is done by Simone Aspis 2004, who explains that Inclusive education should create opportunities for all learners to work together. It requires recognition that learning in enhanced when individuals of different abilities, skills and aspiration can work together in a joint enterprise. (Aspis, 2004 p129) According to Darlington 2003 believes that inclusion is defined as a process and not a state, that inclusion in not very simple concept restricted to issues of placement key principles are valuing diversity, entitlement individual needs and equal opportunities. (Darlington 2003 p3) Yet a different approach by Mittler 2000, defines that inclusion requires the transformation of learning context: where it involves a process of reform and reshaping of the whole school as whole. Another definition of inclusion is from Florida University 2002, who also give an understanding to inclusion, although it is taken from Florida University and that the states have different meaning, this one was similar to the ones that the UK uses. Inclusion is an effort to make sure students with disabilities go to school along with their friends and neighbours while also receiving whatever, Specially designed instruction and support they need to achieve high standards and succeed as learners. ( Another approach to inclusion is from autism independent 2006, which also have the same approach towards inclusion that the other authors have had. And also they have similar ideas that have been focus on as they too have a definition of what they believe. Inclusion is a term coined to describe the philosophical argument that children with mental, physical, or emotional handicaps are entitled to an education within the mainstream of public education. ( Yet in contrast to inclusion integration as stated earlier on is different to inclusion. According to Open University 2010, who has an article relating to integration they explain that, Integration was a term used by organizations such as CSIE (originally called the Centre for Studies in Integration in Education) when seeking neighbourhood placements for all students, and implied the need for a student to adapt to the school, rather than for the school to transform its own practices. ( In conclusion, it seems that there are no clear definitions in what the term Inclusion means, as different authors have a different meaning. Although most of them have similar thoughts to what they have said that inclusion is there to help children or individual with special needs. All of the authors acknowledge that the Childs needs come first, and that society should try to accommodate them and try to make them feel wanted. Similar to the social model of disability that society should try to make them feel part of the society and not outcast them. Whereas integration is similar to the medical model of disability where they have acknowledge that the child has a needs and have labelled them that they need help and do nothing to encourage them. This is also supported by Dennis and Gardner who also stated that Inclusion and Integration are similar to the social and medical models. (ibid) Both inclusion and integration explain that the child needs help. Yet one put the child and expects to do the work themselves and the other term supports them and encourages them so that they can go into the world without depending on other peoples help.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Challenge of Communication between Men and Women Essay -- Personal

He looks at me with big puppy dog eyes and says,"Kate, do you really want me to stay?" HELLO! Now, you have to understand that I don't want to make decisions for him, and I don't want to be controlling, so I say, "It's your decision." Wow, that is the number one clue; if you get that line you'd better stay with her. Why can't you just listen to me? I don't want your advice; I just want you to listen!" I yelled. "I did listen to you; you could have done something to prevent that problem!" my boyfriend replied. That was the gist of our last argument. We concluded that we were just different people. Well, of course we are different people. I am a woman, and he is a man. That's right; I am a woman, and why can't a man understand what a woman wants? Come on--we give them all the right clues; we basically feed it to them. (They might as well just roll over and drool.) The truth is, men and women communicate in different ways; we talk, listen, and act differently. This fact can create some major misunderstandings and even arguments. I am a woman, so I have a pretty good idea of what a woman wants. So listen up boys! Men and woman actually think differently. For example, a man and a woman are having a professional conversation. As the man talks, the woman nods her head, and the man thinks, "Oh great, she agrees with me." (Where the heck does he get off thinking that?) The woman actually nods her head to show she understands what is going on. Now why don't men pick up this good habit of nodding the head? I mean, come on, when I am trying to explain something to a man he just stares at me. (Do I have to repeat everything ten times before a man says or shows me that he understands what I am saying?) Being a woman, I understand ... ... play dumb, so men you better start picking up the obvious clues we lay down in front of you. There is no other way to explain it--men and women are just simply different. We think, act, and talk differently, and overall we communicate differently. It's no wonder men and women get in so many arguments. To each man and to each woman, their point of view is very clear. However, every woman knows, just as every man knows, that a woman is always right, and that what a woman wants is just what she should get! Works Cited "English Language by Gender." Geocities.Com 26 October 2000 Wood, Julia. Communication in Our Lives. New York: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000. Center for Applications of Psychological Type. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Gainesville: Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc., 1988.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Male and female gender constructs Essay -- Egalitarianism, Gender Diff

Our cultural beliefs dictate that there are only two biological sexes corresponding to two genders (Newman, 2001). The male and female constructs often carry with them misconceptions and stereotypes, such as the belief that gender and sex are synonymous or that gender assigned at birth indicates a specific preference for toys, interest, clothes, and eventual erotic attraction (Newman, 2001). Males are expected to exhibit masculine personality traits and be attracted to women while females are expected to exhibit feminine personality traits and be attracted to men. Research in many countries reveals that stereotyping of personality traits increases steadily in middle adolescence, becoming adult like around age 11 (Berk, 2010). For example, children regard â€Å"tough†, â€Å"aggressive†, â€Å"rational†, and â€Å"dominant† as masculine and â€Å"gentle†, â€Å"sympathetic’, and â€Å"dependent† as feminine (Berk, 2011). Male and femal e gender constructs are considered the norm, and any other combination of biological sex, gender, and sexuality is commonly considered unnatural or pathological (Mintz, & O’ Neil, 1990; Newman, 2002). Despite cultural beliefs, other gender and sexual role combinations are possible. A child whose biological sex is that of a typical female can have a gender identity of a boy and as an adult, this person may self-identify as transgender or transsexual and live as a man Newman, 2001(). On the other hand, a biological male can have a gender identity of a boy/man, be attracted to other men, and identify as gay (Newman, 2001). It is not necessary for people who feel attracted to others of the same gender to express any gender nonconformity (). Gay men can be comfortable in their male bodies and exhibit no gender variant behaviors, just as ... ...dentity disorder: Treatment and post-transition care in transsexual adults. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 18, 147-150. Gibson, B. & Catlin, A. ( 2011). Care of the child with the desire to change gender: Part 1. Urologic Nursing,31, 222-229. Berk, L. (2010). Development through the lifespan. Allyn & Bacon: MA. Vasey, P. & Bartlett, N. (2007). What can the samoan fa’afafine teach us about the western concept of gender identity disorder in childhood? Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 50, 481-490. Mintz, L.B., & O’Neil, M. (1990). Gender roles, sex, and the process of psychotherapy: Many questions and few answers. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 381-387. Newman, L.K. (2001). Sex, gender, and culture: Issues in the definition, assessment, and treatment of gender identity disorder. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 7, 352-359.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Self Evaluation for Decision Making

From: Kayayetta Dukes To: Lana Lincoln Subject: Self Evaluation January 17th 2012 Dear Mrs. Lincoln, Here is my yearly self-evaluation report about the managerial decisions I have made regarding the restaurant’s employee retention issues we face. As we have previously discussed at meetings our employee retention ratio to turnover is fairly poor for a restaurant. I think many establishments face this challenge of retaining good employees and there are several reasons that are to blame for the high ratio. I feel if we didn’t implement these criteria it would snowball and grow into bigger problems so it seemed a no brainer to waste no time in starting this makeover. I’ve come up with a game plan to drastically reduce our turnover rate so we can focus on other issues that warrant our attention in the process of making the restaurant number 1 in all aspects possible. Our major issue at the restaurant is that our employee retention rate is around 15% which leaves our turnover rate at an out of control 85%. With most of our employees being constantly replaced its hard for our staff to have a sense of cohesion, team pride, and stability. My criteria with this challenge was to create a sense of loyalty with the staff, make them feel like they are a part of a big family; show them that this job can be a long-term career and that we want to promote from within. Weighing these criteria helps me figure which are most important in reaching our overall goal of reducing our turnover rate. The numeric value of 5 will count as most vital in accomplishing our goal and 1 will represent the criteria that can be put on the back burner until the 5’s are implemented and in force. Communicate managements’ goal to promote from within 5 * Reward full-time and part-time employees for length of service 1 * Team-building exercises once a month 1 * Create an employee suggestion box 5 * Revamp scheduling to create more convenience 5 Although I feel strongly about my above solutions I’ve created a few alternatives that could possibly work just as well. My first alternative idea would be to mandate training classes for al l employees. This plan would include training on customer service skills, teamwork strategies, and personal growth. Another alternative would be to mandate employee events to reward good service and promote togetherness. My final solution would be to crack down on the team with serious consequences for being late, missing shifts, or receiving customer complaints. This method would consist of writing repeat offenders up and firing them after so many to show we want to employ and keep worthy employees and we will not tolerate less. To rate these alternatives I used a score of 10 for the best and a 5 for the ones that I have reservations about. * Mandated training classes for all employees. 10 Mandated after work employee events to promote team cohesion. 5 * Rid the restaurant of employees who aren’t doing a good job. 5 I carefully considered these alternatives before making the optimal decision of sticking with the original plan plus including the first alternative to have a fail proof way of getting a serious hold on our retention rate. I did encounter problems completing the challenge thoug h. This included resistance from employees who were reluctant with accepting change. Also we had issues with scheduling for additional trainings and after work events to work on team cohesion. I overcame these hurdles by making the trainings available more days to accomidate more employees without conflict, we created the suggestion box and also are now taking a majority vote for the monthly reward meeting in which we will have an open forum about issues that have risen in the previous month as well as to cover progress and future expectations. In conclusion, this project has been widely successful in just these few short months. Our team is working more cohesively and taking teamwork to a whole other level. The suggestion box has been filling up and we have been addressing concerns of our employees which have made them feel their opinion is not only important but wanted. This in return is creating more loyal enthusiastic and eager workers whom are giving great customer service to our guests. I hope you are as satisfied as I am in the team and see the overall difference and growth. Sincerely Floor Manager Kay Dukes Reference: Bazerman, M. H. , & Moore, D. A. (2010). Judgment in Managerial decision making (6th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Handling of Grievance Procedurin Organizations

Various ecesiss be cognisant about the diversification of the employees traits and characteristics. Instead of solelyow these individuals expunges the culture of the memorial tablet, it is the corporate culture that tends to affect their behavior. Still, at that place be chances that indoors the organization, the impact and clash of ideas might turn into argu tendforcets. In order to bring back the amity inside the organization, the management is engaged in manipulation the different faces of issues to keep coarse the life history and the employees dealingship. Background of the StudyThe issue of iniquity in spite of appearance the organization is identified as the witness of the volume against the application of the policies which is placed in an unjust or un clean-living trend (Hardeman, 2006). The organization sets decrees or regulations which some of the employees finds faults or actions. In order to compensate their respectable to clarify the things, i n which they believe that leave affect them shortlyer, the employees do what for them fits and mightily. The grudge is the lovable of procedure that values the idea and acceptment of the employees but often interpreted as a negative factor at bottom the organizations.However, the organizations are still looking for an good way in handling the accounts in their organization. Scope of the Study The scope of the speculate intention anyy sourcees the handling of the unrighteousnesss inside the organization. The disposal of the grade is primary(prenominal) in all types of organization. The creation of the take on is meant for properly handling the grudges with administrations judgment and the soulfulness or people conf affaird should be addressed their on role and address their issue of grudge. Research ObjectivesThe first documental of the examine is to determine the goodness of the wrong procedures within the organization. The second objective is to place the appropriate techniques in handling the injury within the organizations. With these two objectives, the respected organization base identify the right verbal expression in handling the conflict much(prenominal) as scotch in the workplace. literary productions Review In order to place the employees concerns, there are accept procedures that utilize by the organization in dilate the every inch of the lines.The grievance procedures are part in the specified plain of constancy in which the main apprehension is to implement the system regarding the various concerns and complaints. tidy sum are important for the business leading and passenger cars, and to minimize the conflicts and another(prenominal) dividing line within the workplace, they brace to handle the issue with fair treatment. Historically, the grievance procedures sens formulate the positively charged outcomes and contribute to for the effectiveness of the management. This stand be another tool for the management to maintain the relationships within the workplace.With the intention of the system, the management can evaluate its own flexibility for the managers are capable in handling the arguments by providing therapeutic value. The grievance procedures provide the actor of indentifying the appropriate practices, procedures, and administrative policies that can drive the employees complaints be considered (Bohlander, 1989). The creation of the grievance procedures began through the various conceptualizations of the people and their entryway in resolutions. The comparison of the fe antheral and male employees has difference means of grievance procedure.Mostly, women are anticipated in seeking justice but are lacked in the approach path in networks that are essential towards the resolution. Meanwhile, the men are hesitant to embrace the formalities of the grievance procedures for they were reluctant to damage their relationships with other people (Hoffman, 2005). There are r ecognized steps in handling the grievance which can be also utilise in the process of the organizations. Firstly and by chance the most important, is to let the psyche or the people stand up and enunciate on what are the things they believed is wrong.Everybody has a right to be hear, and with the open communication, the bother can be easily unthawd (Hardeman, 2004). The people who participated should be true to him self to let the organization what he truly desires regarding on the oblige regulations. Methodology The proposed method in the vie area is the use of the comparative case study which is related and concern regarding to the grievance procedures. With the sanction of the past literatures and other related study, the occurrent study can grow the probability to compare and review the related study that emphasizes the handling of grievance and the procedures.In addition, the study can generate its own analysis and ratiocination on what would be the best employ t echnique/s to handle and, therefore, cut off the recognized grievance within the organization. References Bohlander, G. W. , 1989. public Sector Independent Grievance Systems Methods and Procedures, popular Personnel Management, Vol. 18, No. 3. Hardeman, T. , 2004. Complaint, Grievance, Whistle-Blowing Administrative canon Online Available at http//www. faith. edu. ph/ manila paper/uploads/file/policies/grievance- constitution-web. df Accessed 22 March 2010. Hoffman, E. , 2005. trash Resolution in a thespian Cooperative Formal Procedures and Procedural Justice, fair play & Society Review, Vol. 39, No. 1. Read more http//ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2010/03/handling-of-grievance-procedures-in-organizations. htmlixzz17KYToojb Introduction Maintaining quality of work life for its employees is an important concern for the any government. The grievance handling procedure of the organisation can affect the harmonious surroundings of the organisation.The grievances of the employees are related to the contract, work rule or regulation, policy or procedure, health and safety regulation, past practice, changing the heathen norms unilaterally, individual using, wage, bonus, etc. Here, the attitude on the part of management in their fret to understand the paradoxs of employees and solve the issues amicably grant go probability to maintain a culture of high performance. Managers must be educated about the importance of the grievance process and their role in maintaining cordial relations with the union.Effective grievance handling is an meaty part of cultivating good employee relations and cut a fair, successful, and productive workplace. Positive ram relations are two-way lane both sides must give a little and try to work together. family relationship building is key to successful labor relations. Precautions and Prescriptions The management should take care of next aspects to develop a culture of intrust and confidence upon the emp loyees. 1. Always ensure that the managers tough in the grievance handling procedures have a quiet place to march with the plaintiff. . Always ensure that managers have satisfactory time to be devoted to the complainant. 3. excuse managers role, the policy and the procedures clearly in the grievance handling procedure. 4. Fully explaining the incident to the employee to forefend any misunderstanding and promote better acceptance of the situation complained of. 5. Try to let employee present their issues without prejudging or commenting 6. Do use a positive, friendly ways to resolve the crisis than p building blockive steps, which disturb the system. 7.Do remain calm, cool, accumulate during the course of the meeting. 8. Always focus on the subject of the grievance than allied issues. 9. Dont maintain threats manage the grievances. 10. Never make use of allegations against personalities. 11. Be aware of the cater members likely concerns to the thinkable repercussions of rai sing a grievance. 12. Dont beseem angry, belligerent, or hostile during grievance handling procedure. 13. Do listen for the main blockage of arguments and any possible avenue to resolve the grievance. 14.Listen and respond sensitively to any sadness exhibited by the employees. 15. Eliminating the source of the irritation or discomfort being complained of. 16. Reassure them that the managers volition be acting impartially and that your confide is to resolve the matter if possible. 17. Dont horse shell out or swap one grievance for another (where the union wins one, management wins one). separately case should be decided on its merits. 18. Avoid usage of verbosisms like it leave alone be taken care of. 19. correspond effective, sensitive and confidential communication surrounded by all involved. 0. Take all possible steps to ensure that no victimization occurs as a result of the grievance being raised. 21. The investigator or determination maker acts impartially, which mea ns they must close themselves if there is any bias or conflict of interest. 22. All parties are heard and those who have had complaints made against others are prone an opportunity to respond. 23. Try to look upon the problem on different angles for appropriate understanding. 24. Ensuring that there is proper investigation of the facts and figures related the problem under concern. 25.Consider all relevant data in the investigation process. 26. Ask the staff member their preferred resolution option, although it is important to make it clear that this may not be a possible outcome. 27. Be aware of the limits of authority of the person who involved in the grievance handling procedures. 28. If the manager feels that he/she is not the appropriate person (senior manager) to deal with the issue refer the complainant to the appropriate person as soon as possible. 29. Try to get a better idea of whether the alleged diversity or harassment happened or didnt happen. 0. control them exact ly what they are supposed to have done, to whom and explain, why this may be seen as discrimination/harassment or as inappropriate. 31. Grievances are preferably to be colonised informally at the level of the employees flying supervisor. 32. Try the level best to involve team members to resolve the crisis at unit level itself. 33. Avoid as farther as possible the union sake in conflict resolution situation process. 34. Follow documentation the procedures, of all necessary steps taken to resolve the problem/complaint. ConclusionTo a great extend the aggravation of industrial problems depends on managers approaches and attitude in effective handling of employees grievances. Care should be taken in the way managers approaches the problem and perceiving the pros and cons of the situation. The conflict management approaches include the win-win schema that help in the healthy organisational practices and which reflects the pie-eyed organisational culture. The cooperation from both p arties is the pre-requisite to handle the problem and effective settlement of the grievances.Conscious use of professional self can help managers in the conflict handling situations grievance redressal process. References 1. European mint Union Institute (1989) Collective bargain in Western Europe 2. Ozaki (1987), labor movement Relations in the Public Service, IL Review, July Aug. 3. Schregle J (1991)Workers Participation in Decisions at bottom Undertaking IL Review Jan Feb. APSRACT A grievance is a sign of an employees discontentment with his job or his relationship with his colleagues.Grievances generally stand up out of the day-to-day working relations in an organization. An employee or a portion out union protests against an act or policy of the management that they consider as violating employees rights. unitary of the effective ways of minimizing and eliminating the source of an employees grievance is by having an open door policy. An open door policyfacilitates upwa rd communication in the organization where employees can walk into a superiorscabin at any time and express their grievances.The National Commission on roil suggested a Model Grievance Procedure, which lays rectify the sequence of steps to be taken whenever a grievance is expressed. Conflict occurs when two or more people or parties perceive an incompatibility in their goals or expectations. There are seven methods for achieving reconciliation of conflict. These methods are win-lose, withdrawal and retreat from argument, smoothing and playing down the difference, arbitration, mediation, compromise and problem solving. Of all these methods